GIMP Magazin je e-časopis koji je posvećen GIMP-u, poznatom slobodnom (FOSS) programu za obradu rasterske grafike. Časopis se bavi digitalnom umetnošću i fotografijom, a sadrži najbolja dela kreirana GIMP-om, trikove i savete, korak po korak uputstva, potpune vodiče, pitanja i odgovore i mnogo toga drugog. GIMP Magazin je u potpunosti besplatan.
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GIMP Magazine - e-časopis posvećen GIMP-u
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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Izmena: 27.07.2015. Dodati prethodni brojevi
GIMP Magazine #1 (Septembar 2012)
GIMP Magazine #2 (Decembar 2012)
GIMP Magazine #3 (Mart 2013)
GIMP Magazine #4 (Septembar 2013)
GIMP Magazine #5 (Decembar 2013)
GIMP Magazine #6 (Novembar 2014)
GIMP Magazine #1 (Septembar 2012)
- Strana 08: GIMP Design Gallery
- Strana 18: Ian Muttoo - Photographer Exclusive to GIMP & UFRAW (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 26: Essential GIMP Resources
- Strana 30: GIMP Photography Gallery
- Strana 36: "Lancing College Chapel" - Behind the Photograph (Tim Stocker)
- Strana 38: Confessions of a Photoshop-aholic - a unique review of GIMP 2.8 (David Leek)
- Strana 40: GIMP Master Class - "The Making of Green Growth" (Ludovic Celle)
GIMP Magazine #2 (Decembar 2012)
- Strana 11: David Revoy Interview
- Strana 29: Superhero by Day and Graphic Novelist by Night (Tutorial by Madeleine Fisher)
- Strana 42: Oil Painting Tutorial Using GIMP (Sussana Bur)
- Strana 48: GIMP Design Gallery
- Strana 67: Get to Know the Real Wilber, a Master Class Storybook (Yeshua Nel)
- Strana 84: Design Professional Brochures Using GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 90: Using a Graphics Table with GIMP 2.8 (Rolf Steinort)
- Strana 94: The Artist's Guide to GIMP (Oma Dial)
GIMP Magazine #3 (Mart 2013)
- Strana 10: Motion Photography (Ian Muttoo)
- Strana 20: Cyril Bosselut Photographer (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 22: G'MIC: Fantastic Filters for Brewing Images (Debi Dalio)
- Strana 28: GIMP Photography Gallery
- Strana 42: Photographer Andrea Zanovello (David Lepek)
- Strana 51: Strip "The Hunt for Wilber" (Written: David Lepek, Illustrated: Yoshua Nel)
- Strana 59: G'MIC Tutorial: How to Create a Rotoidoscope Pattern (Debi Dalio)
- Strana 63: Don't Be Afraid (Bart Schuck)
- Strana 68: GIMP 2.8.0 vs Photoshop CS5.5 Extended (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 82: G'MIC: A Review (Debi Dalio)
GIMP Magazine #4 (Septembar 2013)
- Strana 12: Reflections Photography (Ian Muttoo)
- Strana 23: Tutorial: Creation of a Tryptich (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 31: GIMP Magazine - Our First Year (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 36: An Interview with Christopher Mark Perez
- Strana 53: Strip "The Hunt for Wilbert" (David Lepek, Yeshua Nel)
- Strana 60: GIMP Photography Gallery
- Strana 69: A Gallery of Works from Our GIMP User Community
- Strana 81: Tutorial: Vignetting (Christopher Mark Perez and Debi Dalio)
- Strana 84: Tutorial: Creating the Look of a Vintage Photograph
- Strana 88: Master Class: "Portraiture" by Christopher Mark Perez
GIMP Magazine #5 (Decembar 2013)
- Strana 12: An Interview with Pat David (Debi Dalio)
- Strana 25: A Gallery of Works from Our GIMP User Community
- Strana 33: RAW/GIMP Portrait Retouching Workflow (Pat David)
- Strana 54: Look Down! - Results of the "Meet The GIMP" Photography Challenge (Rolf Steinort)
- Strana 60: GIMP Design Gallery
- Strana 74: Is GIMP Becoming the World's Dominant Image Manipulation Software? (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 80: Gum over Palladium (Christopher Mark Perez)
- Strana 84: Software Review: Tux Paint - Open Source Drawing Software for Children (Debi Dalio)
GIMP Magazine #6 (Novembar 2014)
- Strana 08: Aaron Tyree - Photographer (galerija modne fotografije)
- Strana 12: An Interview with Aaron Tyree
- Strana 24: A Gallery of Works from Our GIMP User Community
- Strana 35: Using GIMP for Portrait and Fashion Photography - A Master Class (Aaron Tyree)
Prijatelj forumaoffline - Posts: 441
- Joined: 11 Jan 2012, 23:04
- Location: Ratkovo, Srbija
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GIMP Magazine #7 (23.12.2014.)
Izmena: 27.07.2015. Dodat sadržaj broja
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Izmena: 27.07.2015. Dodat sadržaj broja
- Strana 09: Painting with GIMP - a Master Class Tutorial (Evelyne Schulz)
- Strana 24: A Gallery of Works from Our GIMP User Community
- Strana 34: An Interview with Evelyne Schulz (Debi Dalio)" onclick=";return false;
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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GIMP Magazine #8 (Januar 2015)
- Strana 08: Night Time and Low Light Photography (Ian Mutto)
- Strana 30: A Gallery of Works from our GIMP User Community
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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GIMP Magazine #9 (Februar 2015)
- Strana 08: Design Concepts (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 19: Exercise: Getting Started for Calligraphers and Illustrators Using GIMP and/or Inkscape (Steve Czajka)
- Strana 30: Creating Type Effects (Steve Czajka)
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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GIMP Magazine #10 (mart 2015)
- Strana 08: Strip "Wilber & Friends" (Aerom & Jehan)
- Strana 09: An Interview with Christian Schrool (fotograf prirode i pejzaža)
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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GIMP Magazine 11 (April 2015)
- Strana 07: Strip "Willber & Friends" (Aryeom & Yehan)
- Strana 11: Turi Scandurra Showcase (Ilustracije)
- Strana 17: A Gallery of Works from our GIMP User Community
- Strana 27: Animated Character Development and Display (Turi Scandurra)
- Posts: 4665
- Joined: 04 Feb 2011, 20:32
- Location: Beograd
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GIMP Magazine #12 (Maj 2015)
- Strana 06: Wilber & Co (Aryeom & Yehan)
- Strana 10: Digitally Coloring Quasi-Mode (Martin Eschoyez)
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