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Post Napisano: 23 Jul 2016, 02:10

Sambu nisam koristio prilično dugo pa ne mogu ništa da pomognem a i nemam okruženje za igranje ali za ovo drugo pitanje u vezi wifi. Podseti me koje je okruženje u pitanju? Možda i nije vezano za okruženje ali imao sam taj problem nakon neke nadogradnje plasme, nije hteo da se automatski kači na wifi ni prilikom redovnog boot-a sistema ni prilikom povratka iz 'spavanja'.

Problem sam rešio tako što sam u network manager-u, odaberem mrežu koju hoću da editujem i u general kartici omogućim da se svi korisnici (all users) mogu kačiti na wifi. Nakon toga radi bez problema.

Nisam ulazio dublje u problematiku a ne sećam se da sam video temu oko toga na LQ forumu. U svakom slučaju ovo je za KDE/Plasma i network manager. Za ostala okruženja ne znam da li su pogođena ovim problemom.
Use the source, Luke
SSZ irc kanal
Spread the Word, “CHOOSE SLACK! and Don’t look back.”

Elitni član
Elitni član
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Post Napisano: 23 Jul 2016, 11:02


XFCE koristim. Probao sam sa tom opcijom ali nije. On mi bukvalno hardverski disejbluje mrežu.

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Post Napisano: 23 Jul 2016, 11:10

Šta koristiš za povezivanje? Kod mene Network Manager u Xfce-u automatski prepoznaje mreže na koje se ranije konektovao? Priključujem se pitanju vezanom za okruženje koje je Stereo postavio. :)

Korišćenje Windows štampača ide prilično automatski. Samo ideš na "Add new printer" u "Printer Settings" gui-u i odabereš odgovarajuće opcije.

Inače, štampačima koji su povezani na LAN (ili koji imaju WIFI podršku) možeš da pristupiš i direktno. Kad su u pitanju deljeni štampači vezani za USB port Windows računara, čak ni tu nemaš mnogo dodira sa Sambom. Ona se verovatno koristi ispod haube, ali to krajnji korisnik ne primećuje pošto je sve vrlo prosto i automatizovano.

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Post Napisano: 23 Jul 2016, 11:11

rapha wrote:XFCE koristim. Probao sam sa tom opcijom ali nije. On mi bukvalno hardverski disejbluje mrežu.
Možda je to do laptopa? Da li je tako bilo i ranije?

Elitni član
Elitni član
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Post Napisano: 25 Jul 2016, 00:29

Rešen problem što se tiče mreže. Ne znam kako ali od večeras tog problema nema. Ipak, štiklirana je opcija koju je stereo napisao. Bila je štiklirana i juče ali nema veze, bitno da radi. :beer:

Što se tiče štampača, to je HP 1020 koji je vezan na Windows 10. U istoj smo wifi mreži ali kada opalim hp-setup i odem na opciju "connected over wifi.." ili slično, dobijem odgovor da ne može da nađe nikakav printer. Win upaljen, štampač radi, šerovan je na vindozi..

Elitni član
Elitni član
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Post Napisano: 25 Jul 2016, 00:30

bocke wrote:
rapha wrote:XFCE koristim. Probao sam sa tom opcijom ali nije. On mi bukvalno hardverski disejbluje mrežu.
Možda je to do laptopa? Da li je tako bilo i ranije?
Ne, ovo se prvi put dešava(lo).

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Post Napisano: 25 Jul 2016, 02:11

rapha wrote:Što se tiče štampača, to je HP 1020 koji je vezan na Windows 10. U istoj smo wifi mreži ali kada opalim hp-setup i odem na opciju "connected over wifi.." ili slično, dobijem odgovor da ne može da nađe nikakav printer. Win upaljen, štampač radi, šerovan je na vindozi..
Mislim da je to za povezivanje na štampače koji imaju mogućnost direktnog povezivanja preko wifi. Iako ta opcija u hp-setup zahteva da je štampač privremeno povezan na računar preko USB.

Morao bih da proverim ovo za povezivanje Windows štampača. U mreži imam i štampače koji koriste IPP protokol koji su dostupni direktno. Za Windows štampače sam gotovo siguran da sam im pristupao, ali moram da to pogledam i podsetim se. Moje sećanje je da je to išlo prilično automatski. Ali možda je to vezano za IPP štampače. :)

Elitni član
Elitni član
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Post Napisano: 04 Aug 2016, 15:49

Ne znam šta se dešava sa rlworkman i salixos repoima.
Isključen je gpg check u slackpkg.conf i strictgpg u slackpkgplus.conf ali mi i dalje prijavljuje:

Code: Select all

!!! F A T A L !!!
    Repository 'salixos' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download
    The repository may be invalid and will be SKIPPED.

2016-08-04 16:39:37 ERROR 404: Not Found.

                        !!! F A T A L !!!
    Repository 'rlworkman' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download
    The repository may be invalid and will be SKIPPED.
Ima li nade? :D

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Post Napisano: 04 Aug 2016, 15:56

Možda je privremeni problem sa serverima ili DNS-om?

Koliko dugo ti se to pojavljuje? Da li se pojavilo sad ili traje već neko vreme?

Elitni član
Elitni član
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Post Napisano: 07 Aug 2016, 22:22

Izvinjavam se, bio sam na putu.

Nije privremeni problem pošto se dešava i dalje. Kao što rekoh, i sa checkpgp=off u slackpkg.conf i strictgpg=off u slackpkg.conf i dalje prijavljuje grešku:

Code: Select all

  WARNING! One or more errors occurred while slackpkg was running
salixos: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)
    ( http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/{14.0,14.1,14.2}/CHECKSUMS.md5 )
rlworkman: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)
    ( http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/CHECKSUMS.md5 )
Ne znam u čemu je problem.
Editovao sam i jedan i drugi .conf fajl pa je moguće da sam nešto zeznuo ili prevideo ali ne vidim šta. Bio bih zahvalan da neko od vas pogleda. :)


Code: Select all

# slackpkg.conf - Configuration for SlackPkg
# v2.8

# SlackPkg - An Automated packaging tool for Slackware Linux
# Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Roberto F. Batista, Evaldo Gardenali
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Project Page: http://slackpkg.org/
# Roberto F. Batista (aka PiterPunk) piterpunk@slackware.com
# Evaldo Gardenali (aka UdontKnow) evaldogardenali@fasternet.com.br

# For configuration options that have only two states, possible values are
# either "on" or "off"

# Remember, the only official Slackware ports are x86, s390 and arm, and
# slackpkg developers don't have s390 boxes for testing.  If you are
# testing/using other architectures and have suggestions or patches, 
# please let me know (piterpunk@slackware.com)
# Select the architecture of your system. Valid values are: 
#	i#86 (where # is 3, 4, 5 or 6)
#	x86_64
#	s390
#	arm* (* can be v4, v5tejl, and other ARM versions) 
#	powerpc
# The line is commented because slackpkg will try to find your 
# architecture automagically.  If you want to override what slackpkg
# finds, put the value after the = and uncomment this line

# The default PKGMAIN is "slackware", but some derived distros use other
# names as the main directory.  PKGMAIN is the place with the slackware
# package series (a, ap, n, ... ).
# Usually slackpkg can automagically discover this variable.  If you want
# to override the discovered variable, then uncomment this line and change
# it to reflect the correct value of PKGMAIN

# Slackware packages are signed by project key.  Slackpkg uses this key
# to check if the packages downloaded are valid, so remember to set 
# CHECKGPG to "on". 
# Usually slackpkg can automagically discover this variable. If you want
# to override the discovered variable, then uncomment this line and edit
# as needed
#SLACKKEY="Slackware Linux Project <security@slackware.com>"

# Downloaded files will be in directory below:

# Package lists, file lists, and others will be at WORKDIR:

# Special options for wget (default is WGETFLAGS="--passive-ftp")

# If DELALL is "on", all downloaded files will be removed after install.

# If CHECKMD5 is "on", the system will check the md5sums of all packages before
# install/upgrade/reinstall is performed.

# If CHECKGPG is "on", the system will verify the GPG signature of each package
# before install/upgrade/reinstall is performed.

# If CHECKSIZE is "on", the system will check if we have sufficient disk
# space to install selected package. This make upgrade/install safer, but slow
# upgrade/install process.

# PRIORITY sets the download priority. slackpkg will try to found the
# package first in the first value, then the second one, through all
# values in list.
# Default value: patches %PKGMAIN extra pasture testing
PRIORITY=( patches %PKGMAIN extra pasture testing )

# Enables (on) or disables (off) slackpkg's post-installation features, such
# as checking for new (*.new) configuration files and new kernel images, and
# prompts you for what it should do.  Default=on

# Post-installation features, by default, search all of /etc for .new files.
# This is the safe option: with it, you won't have any unmerged .new files
# to cause problems.  Even so, some people prefer that only the .new files 
# installed by the current slackpkg session be checked.
# If this is your case, change ONLY_NEW_DOTNEW to "on".
# Default=off

# The ONOFF variable sets the initial behavior of the dialog interface.
# If you set this to "on" then all packages will be selected by default.
# If you prefer the opposite option (all unchecked), then set this to "off".

# If this variable is set to "on", all files will be downloaded before the
# requested operation (install or upgrade) is performed.   If set to "off",
# then the files will be downloaded and the operation (install/upgrade)
# performed one by one.  Default=on

# Enables (on) or disables (off) the dialog interface in slackpkg.  Default=on

# Enables (on) or disables (off) the non-interactive mode.  If set to "on",
# slackpkg will run without asking the user anything, and answer all questions
# with DEFAULT_ANSWER.  If you do any upgrades using this mode, you'll need to
# run "slackpkg new-config" later to find and merge any .new files.

# Default answer to slackpkg questions. Can be "y" or "n".

# Slackpkg allows a template to "include" the packages specified in another
# template.  This option enables (on) or disables (off) the parsing of
# any "#include" directives in template files.  Default=on

# Enables a spinning bar as visual feedback when slackpkg is making its
# internal lists and some other operations.  Default=on

# Max number of characters that "dialog" command can handle.
# If unset, this variable will be 19500 (the number that works on
# Slackware 10.2)

# The MIRROR is set from /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
# You only need to uncomment the selected mirror. 
# Uncomment one mirror only.
Evo ga i slackpkgplus.conf:

Code: Select all

# Configuration for slackpkg+. See /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README for more details
# Please read manpage: "man slackpkgplus.conf" and documentation /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+

# set to '0' to never show the download progress bar
# set to '1' to show the bar only in download packages (default)
# set to '2' to always show the download bar
# set to '3' for a debug mode

# Enable (1) / Disable (0) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip
# the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line:
# 'USEBL=0 slackpkg upgrade-all'

# Add custom option to 'wget'.
# You can solve the repository indisponibility issue by set a timeout here
WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2"

# If you want replace wget with another downloader search DOWNLOADCMD in documentation
# at /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README

# Defines if the changelog of any 3rd party repository must be searched in parent URL when not found in base URL.
# Can be set to "on" or "off" (default)

# Use the cache for metadata files (CHECKSUMS.md5,...). Enable it (on) to speedup the slackpkg update
# process by downloading just new files (see README). Disabled by default (off)

# You can download-only by setting DOWNLOADONLY to 'on'. You may (you should) also use it in commandline
# for example: "DOWNLOADONLY=on slackpkg upgrade-all". Useful for large upgrades.

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf)

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist

# Defines if commands 'search' and 'file-search' are case-sensitive (on) or not (off). Default to "on"

# Defines if command 'file-search' does search Wole Word (on) of accept partial words (off). Note that
# you may obtains many many results searching a short partial word

# Select the show order in dialogbox. Available "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch"

# Allow to show more details of the package in slackpkg info <package>. Accept "none", "basic", "filelist"

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) a Strict GPG Check. A repository should contains packages signed
# with the only original GPG-KEY. In some custom repository may be wanted to mix heterogeneous
# packages; to use that repository set Strict GPG Check to off. P.S: a repository can
# contain just ONE gpg-key; you may manually import the other.

# If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify
# from which repository you prefer to search it.
# The syntax is "<repository_name>:<package_name>"
# Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use "<repository_name>"

# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# if you have two reporitories to give priority you must set both in the same line
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc )
# if you want to install 'ktown' repository you must set it here
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown )
# and DO NOT MISS to read special instruction on /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/repositories.txt

# Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the
# same tag of the already installed package. Tipically that means to upgrade a package from the
# same author of the already installed package.
# Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the
# same tag.
# Set TAG_PRIORITY to 'on' to enable this function

# List repositories you want to use (defined below)
# remember to launch 'slackpkg update' if you modify that row.
#REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob slacky )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob slacky salixos rlworkman )

# Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS)
# GPG Note: after adding/renaming a repository, you must to run 'slackpkg update gpg'
#           some repositories as salixos, have a partial GPG support;
#           for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with 'slackpkg -checkgpg=off ...'

# Slackware 14.2 - i386

# use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated to the latest stable release

# use the development branch to use the mainline version and help develop by reporting bugs.

# Local repository:
# Local packages (you do not need metadata nor 'slackpkg update' command):

# Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes):

#slackpkgplus:  http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+{,dev,1.6,1.7}/
#multilib:      http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/
#alienbob:      http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#ktown:         http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/alien-kde/{14.1,14.2,current}/{latest,testing}/{x86,x86_64}/
#restricted:    http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slacky:        http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware{,64}-{14.0,14.1,14.2}/
#mleddesktop:   http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/desktop-{14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#mledextras:    http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/extras-{14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#mles:          http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/server-{14.0,14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#msb:           http://slackware.uk/msb/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{1.6,1.8,1.10,1.12,1.14,1.15,1.15-gtk3,latest}/{x86,x86_64}/
#csb:           http://slackware.uk/csb/{14.1,14.2}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slackers:      http://slack.conraid.net/repository/slackware64-current/
#slacke18:      http://ngc891.blogdns.net/pub/slacke18/slackware{,64}-{14.1,14.2}/
#studioware:    http://studioware.org/files/packages/slackware{,64}-{14.0,14.1,14.2}/
#slackonly:     http://panos.slackonly.com/pub/packages/{14.1,14.2,current}-{x86,x86_64}/
#rlworkman:     http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/
#slackel:       http://www.slackel.gr/repo/{i486,x86_64}/current/
#connochaetos:  http://connochaetos.org/slack-n-free/slack-n-free{,64}-{14.1,14.2}/
#slint:         http://slint.fr/packages/{14.0,14.1,14.2}-{i486,x86_64}/
#salixos:       http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/{14.0,14.1,14.2}/
Do sada (u 14.1) nisam ubacivao rlworkman i salix repoe, tako da se prvi put susrećem sa ovim problemčićem.

Hvala unapred. :beer:

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