10 razloga zasto Slackware

Ovaj deo je namenjen diskusiji koja nije vezana ni za jednu prethodnu kategoriju, a tiče se Slackware linuxa

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Stalni član
Stalni član

Posts: 47
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Post Napisano: 25 Dec 2011, 09:54

Slackware Linux is one of the most powerful distributions available. But its power comes at a price. It's far less user-friendly than many other distributions. In fact, only Gentoo tops Slackware for difficulty. But if you avoid Slackware for those reasons, you'll miss out in a number of ways. Here are 10 of them.

1. Stability

Even for an operating system known for its stability, you'll be hard-pressed to find a more reliable Linux distribution than Slackware. It's been around for 20 years and has long enjoyed a reputation for being solid. In my time using it — and I have installed the most recent version as well as having used versions throughout my time with Linux — I can honestly say its reputation is entirely justified. Whether on a server or a desktop, it is remarkably stable.

2. Security

Slackware avoids many of the traps that some other distributions fall into with security. The two principal ways it scores highly in this area is, first, by not releasing a new version until it is ready. This measure ensures there are far fewer bugs and holes than high-frequency or rolling-release distributions. Secondly, Slackware doesn't use package managers such as Synaptic or Yum, thereby ensuring that any application is generally installed from source.

3. Neutrality

Slackware doesn't depend on a package manager, so it enjoys more neutrality than any other distribution. Nor does Slackware have any affiliations with companies. It remains a community-driven distribution. I would also argue that because Slackware allows the end user to choose what to install during installation, Slackware has a much more neutral feeling. This approach even applies to the desktop. Slackware allows for the installation of numerous desktops and not just KDE or Gnome.

4. Better adherence to the GPL

Of all the distributions I've used, Slackware is probably the most GPL compliant. The last time I did a Slackware installation, I found no signs of software in violation of the GPL — of course, I did not install Java. For many serious open-source advocates, Slackware is the obvious choice.

5. Speed

Because Slackware installs only what you choose, and because of its release policy, it's faster than most. I installed the latest Slackware — 13.37 — with KDE 4.5 and compared it with an installation on the same machine of the Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.6. The Kubuntu installation should have been faster thanks to KDE 4.6, but it wasn't. In fact, the Slackware installation offered a much better experience than the Kubuntu one.

6. Better, cleaner configuration

One of the criticisms levelled at Slackware is a lack of graphical configuration utilities in just about every subsystem on the installation. If you want to add users, you use the command line. If you want to configure Samba or start up services, you use the command line. This approach helps create much cleaner configuration files.

Of course, you could argue that it ultimately comes down to the user's ability to create clean configuration files. But in my experience most end users who are willing to use a distribution such as Slackware are going to create clean code that is much better than that produced by most GUI tools.

7. Better understanding of Linux

If you know Slackware, you know Linux. By its very nature, Slackware demands a better understanding of the operating system as a whole than any other distribution — with the possible exception of Gentoo. After installing Slackware on a machine and administering it, you will know the directory hierarchy, how to administer users and configure networking, the init system, and much more.

8. Great server OS

If I have to set up a Linux server and I want reliability, security and longevity, I unhesitatingly opt for Slackware. Over the years, Slackware has been fine tuned to stand as a sever OS — that doesn't mean it can't serve as a desktop, of course. Because Slackware adheres to standards, you'll find that server documentation, such as that for Samba and Apache, works exactly as expected. And because Slackware always scores highly for reliability and efficiency, your server won't suffer from hiccups or the downtime associated with other operating system software.

9. Slackbuilds

If you don't like installing from source, you can always take advantage of Slackbuilds, a repository of build scripts that automate the installation of various applications. There are thousands of scripts on the site that you can download and use to install everything from system to desktop tools. The Slackbuilds site also contains some great documentation and allows the uploading of new scripts from the community.

10. IT cred

Your ability to use and administer Slackware can win you respect as an administrator. Being able to handle the distribution says more about you than expertise in most other operating systems. Using Slackware means you're serious about knowing your operating system, about Linux, about reliability, and about adhering to the GPL. These skills can be a big help in an industry that demands you prove yourself immediately and constantly.

Izvor: http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/desktop-os/ ... 0093496/2/
Last edited by Brok on 26 Dec 2011, 07:24, edited 1 time in total.

Stalni član
Stalni član
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Post Napisano: 29 Jan 2012, 00:39

Ja bih dodao (bar) još jednu stvar sa kojom se možda neće svi složiti - nije tzv. rolling distribucija i nema deadline-a tj. rokova kada mora izaći nova verzija...
Smatram to preduslovom (iz ličnog iskustva) za sve iznad navedeno - brzina, stabilnost, laganost (u smislu nezahtevnosti velikih resursa pri radu) - ispeglan je do detalja i sve radi kako se namesti...
Ovo zasigurno mogu potvrditi mnogi - bar oni koji ne experimentišu sa neoficijelnim paketima (ja npr. koristim samo zvanične i SlackBuild)...

Prijatelj foruma
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Post Napisano: 21 Apr 2012, 12:47

1. Stabilnost

I pored toga što je poznat po stabilnosti, teško da ćete naći pouzdaniju Linux distribuciju od Slackware-a. Postoji već 20 godina i guži period uživa reputaciju jakog sistema. Bilo da se radi o serveru ili desktopu, izuzetno je stabilan.

2. Bezbednost

Slackware zaobilazi mnoge zamke u koje druge distribucije upadaju kada je u pitanju bezbednost. Dve stvari zbog kojih se Slackware visoko kotira u ovoj sferi su: prvo, ne objavljuju se nove verzije dok ne budu spremne. Ova mera ima za rezultat to da postoji mnogo manje bubica ili rupa nego što je to u visokofrekventnim ili kotrljajućim (rolling-release) distribucijama. Drugo, Slackware ne koristi menadžer paketa kao što su Synaptic ili Yum, tako da obezbeđuje instaliranje svake aplikacije iz izvora.

3. Neutralnost

Slackware ne zavisi od menadžera paketa tako da uživa veću neutralnost nego druge distribucije. Niti pripada nekoj kompaniji. Slackware je distribucija koju razvija zajednica. Takođe, zbog činjenice da krajnjim korisnicima omogućuje da biraju šta će da instaliraju tokom instalacije sistema, Slackware pruža dodatni osećaj neutralnosti. Slackware omogućuje instalaciju brojnih radnih okruženja, ne samo KDE ili Gnome.

4. Veća privrženost GPL-u

Od svih distribucija, Slackware je najverovatnije najkompatibilniji sa GPL-om. Nijedan program nije u sukobu sa pomenutom licencom. Za mnoge advokate iz oblasti otvorenog koda, Slackware je očigledan izbor.

5. Brzina

Zbog toga što omogućuje instalaciju samo onoga što izaberete i zbog svoje politike objavljivanja, Slackware je brži od većine distribucija.

6. Bolja, čistija konfiguracija

Jedna od najčešćih kritika upućenih Slackware-u je nedostatak alata za grafičku konfiguraciju većine potsistema. Ukoliko želite da dodate novog korisnika, koristite komandnu liniju; ako želite da konfigurišete Samba-u ili da pokrenete servise, koristite komandnu liniju. Međutim, ovaj pristup omogućuje kreirajnje mnogo čistijih, jasnijih konfiguracionih fajlova.

7. Bolje razumevanje Linux-a

Ako upoznate Slackware, upoznali ste Linux. Po svojoj prirodi, Slackware zahteva bolje razumevanje sistema nego druge distribucije, izuzetak je jedino Gentoo. Nakon instalacije Slackware-a i administracije istog naučićete hijerarhiju direktorijuma, kako upravljati korisnicima, kako konfigurisati mrežu, init sistem i još mnogo toga.

8. Sjajan serverski OS

Ukoliko želite da podesite Linux server, a pritom želite pouzdanost, sigurnost i dugovečnost, bez oklevanja se odlučite za Slackware. Zato što se Slackware pridrćava standarda, videćete da npr. Samba ili Apache radi tačno onako kako je pretstavljeno u serverskoj dokumentaciji. Slackware akcenat stavlja na pouzdanost i efikasnost, tako da vaš server neće patiti od šticanja i zastoja u vezi sa programima drugog OS-a.

9. Slackbuild-ovi

Ukoliko ne volite instalaciju programa iz izvora, uvek možete da se prihvatite Slackbuild-ova, repozitorijuma sa skriptama koje automatizuju instalaciju različitih programa. Na pomenutom sajtu postoji hiljade skripti koje možete preuzeti i instalirati najrazličitije alatke, od onih vezanih za sistem pa do onih koje se odnose na desktop. Na sajtu možete naći i brojnu dokumentaciju.

10. IT kredibilitet

Mnogo više govori o vama sposobnost da se nosite sa Slackware-om nego iskustvo sa drugim OS-ima. Koristeći Slackware odajete utisak ozbiljnosti po pitanju poznavanja vašeg OS-a, po pitanju Linux-a, pouzdanosti i po pitanju privrženosti GPL licenci. Ove sposobnosti mogu da vam budu od velike pomoći u industriji koja zahteva trenutno i onstantno dokazivanje.

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